Tired of having to do crisis cleaning every time you want to have guests over? Or worse, are you’re living a lifestyle of CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome)? Cheer up! There’s reason to hope! I would like to introduce you to The Fly Lady, Marla Cilley.
(I don’t get anything for passing on this great information to you. I was just so pleased with how her principles have changed my way of thinking about decluttering and cleaning, I just want others to feel the same freedom that I experienced.)
The Fly Lady (named so because of her love of Fly Fishing) operates a free website at www.FlyLady.net with some of the freshest approaches to decluttering and regular cleaning around. She has been in CHAOS herself, and she shares exactly how she moved from cluttered and depressed to FLYing (Finally Loving Yourself).
Sheer encouragement. Love it!
To keep her website free, she sells carefully vetted cleaning products, her books, and other items in her online store. I have many of the cleaning products, and they all work exactly as she describes. Great stuff.
If you sign up for her email list, you will get MANY emails each day. As your professional organizer, I recommend that you set up your email Inbox to pull all those into a FlyLady folder, and read them as you can. Otherwise, you may just get frustrated with them and remove yourself from the list. Read the one email with that day’s Mission and complete it to help get you started on your cleaning.
There is a TON of amazing information on her website. Don’t be overwhelmed.
- Sign up for the daily emails.
- Take a look at the Beginning Baby Steps section – one task a day
Soon you’ll be on your way to freedom. And, before you know it, you’ll never suffer from CHAOS again! You can do this.
“And I’ll stride freely through wide open spaces as I look for your truth and your wisdom…” Psalm 119:45 (The Message)

It is always good to get new tips on organizing. My house was suddenly more organized when the kids moved out.
I love her picture.
What a cleaver idea! My very own very own organizer by email. That takes the fear out of even inviting and organizer into your home.
For years I had a cleaning business. It was hard to really clean a house that was disorganized and most clients did not want you to touch their clutter.
My husband is “Mr. Neat” he is so organized it! I am “Miss Messy”. I have to really make an effort to keep things picked up. I like to blame it on a time factor….bad excuse!
So wait. You had a cleaning business AND you are Miss Messy? What a great combination! I think you’d just rather be doing other fun things with your time besides keeping things picked up ! That’s why God gave you Mr. Neat. 🙂
I hear that alot! LOL. All the people and pets were share our space with contribute to our clutter, don’t they? Glad you’ve got things under control now. Thanks for stopping by.
I hear that alot! LOL. All the people and pets were share our space with contribute to our clutter, don’t they? Glad you’ve got things under control now. Thanks for stopping by.