Organizing Your Closet

by Tina on August 18, 2010

Ever wake up one day and wonder how in the world your closet got so disorganized? There are basic guidelines to maintaining your closet. I’d like to share with you one of my all-time favorite video clips from the ladies at Organizing Connection. Here it is… it’s The Closet Hokey Pokey (emphasis on HOKEY).

Wasn’t that a hoot? Teach it to your kids or grandkids or your spouse. 🙂 Music always helps ideas stick with me. You can do this.

“…God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6 (New International Version)

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 Hello, my name is Tina Bonifacio, and I am a Professional Organizer working with residential and commercial clients in the greater Savannah, Georgia area. For more information, visit Thanks for stopping by. You are welcome back anytime.

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