Is your makeup stash overflowing and keeping you from finding the products that you really want to use? Here are some tips to help you declutter your makeup stash to decrease the time it takes you to get ready for the day… or night.
- Accept that you are going to be discarding items that you “paid good money for.” So you made a less than smart purchase decision. Cut your losses now, and move on. Are you really going to recoup your investment if you just keep it hidden under the counter a little longer? You have my permission to let it go now.
- Gather your makeup from all its hiding places (countertops, bathroom cabinets and drawers, purses, cars, etc.)
- Discard anything that smells funny.
- Discard anything liquid that has separated into two or more layers.
- Discard any makeup or skin care item that is over three years old (two years is better – but I’m trying to be gentle with you :-))
- Discard any mascara that is older than three months, really. Dangerous and sight-stealing infections lurk there.
- If you’re not using an item, find someone who can/will, or discard it now. (Ask yourself these questions… Do you love the color? Do you love the texture? Do you use it? If not, move it on out of your space.)
Now, take stock of what remains.
- Put your daily use items in one basket, bin, or makeup case that will fit neatly underneath your sink.
- Put the less-than-daily use items by category into other containers under the sink or in a bathroom closet.
Each morning, just take out that one daily use container. Do your thing. Then, put it back out of sight.
Enjoy your new and streamlined makeup and skincare stash! You can do this.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 30:30 (New International Version)